Wordpress Fantastico Installation

Fantastico installation of WordPress

Please, follow the step-by-step guide below in order to activate WordPress on your hosting account: Step 1 Please, login to your CPanel and locate the Fantastico De Luxe icon:
Step 2 Find and click the WordPress link.
Step 3 Then choose New Installation:
Step 4 Decide upon the location of your blog - if you would like to have it as your site front page, leave the directory box blank, otherwise fill in the appropriate folder name. Next, fill in the administrator details and the e-mail account configuration then click the Install WordPress button.
Step 5 A new confirmation page will be loaded for the installation. Click the Finish Installation button if no errors are reported.
If else you will have to go back and rectify the specified issues. Step 6 After completing the installation the final screen will load, providing you with the installation details. You will be able to e-mail the details to a specified address also in order to keep them for future reference.
Well done! You have successfully installed the WordPress application!
How To Transfer Wordpress

How To Transfer Wordpress

In this tutorial we will show you how to make a WordPress transfer to a new hosting platform. Whether you're transferring from WordPress.com or from another regular hosting provider, here you will find detailed instructions on how to migrate WordPress to a new host. Follow these steps to make a WordPress transfer from one host to another: Make a full WordPress Transfer Transfer WordPress from wordpress.com  Migrate your WordPress data only Make a full WordPress Transfer A WordPress migration from one hosting provider to another is an easy task if performed properly. Basically, to make a WordPress migration from one host to another consists of three parts - moving the files, moving the database and reconfiguration (if needed). Transfer WordPress Files To move your files from one host to another you can use your favourite FTP client. For more information on how to use FTP. It will teach you how to move the files of your application first to your local computer and then to upload them on the new account. If your old host is using cPanel, you can use the File Manager tool to create a .ZIP archive of all your site files. You can then transfer it to your new host and extract it. This will save you time because transferring one big file is much faster than transferring thousands of small ones.  Migrate the WordPress Database The second step is to move your database. First you need to export your database from the old hosting account. If it uses cPanel you can safely follow these instructions. If not, contact the support team of your previous hosting company in order to receive more information on how to export your database. After you have your data exported, create a new database on your new hosting account and import your content in it. Reconfigure WordPress to work from the new server Now, you have your files and database transferred. All you have to do is to reconfigure your WordPress application to work from the new place. To do this, open the wp-config.php file in your WordPress root folder and locate the following lines: define('DB_NAME', 'user_wrdp1'); /** MySQL database username */ define('DB_USER', 'user_wrdp1'); /** MySQL database password */ define('DB_PASSWORD', 'password'); You need to replace those values with your actual database, database username and password for it. Now save this file and your WordPress site should be up and running from your new hosting account! Important! Note that if you change the domain name of your site additional reconfiguration is required. Information! For more information on that matter check our tutorial on how to change a WordPress site URL Transfer WordPress from wordpress.com It is now possible to transfer your blog from WordPress.com to a stand-alone WordPress installation on your hosting account with just few clicks. To move your site, first login to your WordPress blog.Then go to the Tools menu and select Export. On the page that loads chose to export All content and click on the Download Export File button. Then download the .xml file on your computer.
This is all you need to do on your WordPress.com account. Now you need to import your information to your stand-alone WordPress installation. If you have one installed, login with your admin username and password. If you want to install a fresh WordPress application, check out our WordPress installation tutorial for more information on how to do this.Once you login, select the Tools menu from the left column and chose Import.
This page will show you the available sources you can import content from. Scroll down and select WordPress as an import type.
A popup will open asking you to install the WordPress Importer plugin. Click on the orange Install Now link to proceed.
Once the plugin files are downloaded, select the Activate Plugin & Run Importer link.
You will be redirected to the actual plugin page. Now click the Browse button, select the .xml file you have previously saved on your computer and click on the Upload file and import button.If the content which you want to migrate is quite large the corresponding web server's timeout value can be reached before the data is fully copied. In this case you need to reupload the .xml file. The system keeps a record for the migrated content and will proceed with the remaining data. Repeat the procedure until you receive a confirmation that the process is successfully completed.
Since you will be inserting new posts and pages WordPress needs to know who will be their author. On this page you can either select an existing user as posts author, or you can create a new one for the imported data. Note that you should check the Download and Import file attachments checkbox if you want your photos and other attachment to be transferred too. Finally, click on the Submit button.
That's it! Your data is now transferred from your WordPress.com account to your stand-alone WordPress application.
Important! This will transfer only your content - posts, pages, media. All the plugins and themes you've used at WordPress.com are proprietary and not part of the transfer. You will have to choose a new theme and install all the necessary plugins you need additionally on your self-hosted WordPress site.

Migrate your WordPress data only

Sometimes you may want to transfer only the content from your WordPress site from one application to another (between two different WordPress installations). In such cases, WordPress provides you with an easy mechanism to move your posts, comments, users, attachments and other information with just few clicks. To do this, first login as administrator in your existing blog backend and select Tools -> Export from the left menu. 
On this page chose whether you want your Posts, Pages and other available content transferred or you want all the content to be exported. For the purpose of this tutorial, we've chosen to move all the content. Then press the "Download Export File" button and save the .xml file to your computer.Now, login to your new WordPress installation and chose Tools -> Import from the left menu. On this page select "WordPress" in order to import content from your previous WordPress installation.
On the next page you have to select whether you want the new content to be posted with an existing author or under a new username. Make sure you check the "Download and import file attachments" checkbox. This will allow WordPress to move correctly your posts including all the photos and other media you've inserted into them.
Finally, press the Submit button and your content will be imported into your new WordPress application. That's it! Your posts and media are now successfully migrated!
How To Create a Blog Site

How To Create a Blog Site

Contrary to what you might be thinking right now, starting and managing your own blog is quite easy. You don't need any development or design skills. Here is what we suggest as the easiest path to create a blog site:

Step 1: Choose which software you want to use to manage your blog

There are 3 popular FREE blogging tools we recommend: Wordpress, TextPattern, and Nucleus. Wordpress is the most popular blog tool,usually preferred for both being easy to work with and very powerful in terms of functionality. That is why if you don't really have any preferences or expectations, we recommend you to go with WordPress. Need to consult someone? Talk to our customer service to help you choose your software.

Step 2: Find a host that supports your chosen software

By all means, you will need hosting to go live with your blog. The key to finding the right host is to get one specialized in supporting the software you like. There are three questions you can ask the hosts you are checking in order to determine if they are good to host your software:
  • Do you install Wordpress/Nucleus/TextPattern? 
Most hosts will say yes to this one. In their control panels, most hosting providers have included Fantastico or Softaculous or another script auto-installer, which allows you to install more than 100 scripts ready to go, one of which would be the script you chose. Some good hosts will also offer professional installation by their support, which might be free or paid. We at SiteGround both offer 1-click installation with Softaculous and free professional installation of any of the scripts you have chosen.
  • Do you install themes for Wordpress/Nucleus/TextPattern?
Not many hosts will say yes to this one, but good ones will. SiteGround will install Wordpress themes for free and Nucleus and Textpattern templates for an affordable fee. Do you support Wordpress/Nucleus/TextPattern if there is a problem with the blog that is not hosting-related? Most hosts will say no to this one. Only specialized hosts, like the one you should be looking for, are willing to go the extra mile and assist you with answers and fixes to problems you encounter when managing your blog. SiteGround has specialized in hosting various blog tools and our tech support will gladly assist you with any blog issue that might pop up.

Step 3: Choose a theme for your blog

Your basic blog software installation always comes with a default theme, which means you have your design ready. If you don't like it or you are looking for something unique, there are plenty of free (and of course paid) themes for your blog that you may choose from.
  • WordPress Themes
  • TextPattern Templates
In case you are not going to use the services of your host, here are tutorials on how to install a theme on your own from the backend of your software.
  • Wordpress theme installation tutorial
  • TextPattern template installation tutorial

Step 4: Start blogging!

Well, you have it all set and you are ready to go blogging

